November 2021 Workshop: self-efficacy & Supplementation

All about Self-Efficacy and Supplementation

We will be exploring parents' feelings of self-efficacy in breast/chestfeeding, and how they understand and make decisions around supplementing with human milk, with colostrum that was expressed prenatally or with pasteurized donor human milk.

To better understand how decisions are made around supplementation, we will examine:

  • current rates of in-hospital formula feeding,
  • how to identify and address racial and geographic disparities,
  • use of Pasteurized Donor Human Milk (PDHM), and
  • prenatal colostrum harvesting


Angela Williams Schroden, MS, LADC, LPCC

Staff Psychotherapist, St. Cloud Hospital

Marcia McCoy, MPH, IBCLC

Research Scientist II, Minnesota Department of Health, WIC Program

Linda Dech, MPH, IBCLC

Executive Director, Minnesota Milk Bank for Babies

Jeanne Friebe, RN,BSN, IBCLC, RNC-LRN

Outpatient Lactation Consultant, CentraCare Plaza

This workshop is completed.

Register HERE for $15 to view the recording, see the slides, and access continuing education units.

This workshop is for all lactation advocates and professionals, prenatal/perinatal/postpartum professionals, home visitors, and community partners.