Upcoming events

Event Planning - workshops and teleconferences

  • 10 May 2021
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • zoom meeting


Registration is closed

Greetings, planners!

Thanks for the good planning conversation we had last month. We've held our first teleconference for this year, to good reviews. I would like for this team to come back together this morning to map out dates, themes, and perhaps rough content outlines for:

  • The next two teleconferences: we thought about early fall and  early winter, and as a reminder these are at no cost and are a way for all our area coalitions to connect, collect new resources, and learn about each other. These can be put together in 4-6 weeks, and no CERPs.
  • The three workshops we'd like to hold: we thought about early summer, fall, and mid-winter, and we prioritized tapping into local expertise and talent. Traditionally we charge a minimal fee for these, to cover our costs. These tend to offer CERPs and take 2-3 months each to plan.

I hope you can make it! If you can't but want to plan any one of these events, please reply to this message and let me know.

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