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Workplace provisions supporting breastfeeding families

  • 11 Aug 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Virtual learning webinars

Hosted by Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry

More information and registration

Informational webinars:  Workplace provisions supporting breastfeeding families

In recognition of National Breastfeeding Month, you are invited to participate in one of two free webinars about state and federal laws that address workplace breastfeeding and pregnancy accommodations on either Aug. 11 or Aug. 18.

The one-hour webinar will feature a presentation and a question-and-answer session from representatives of DLI, the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division, the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.

Information about the new state laws impacting expectant and new parents' workplace rights will be discussed.