Upcoming events

The Power of Prenatal Education

  • 30 Sep 2022
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • MBC board members, event planners, and speakers

Registration is closed

MBC is thrilled to be hosting The Power of Prenatal Education on September 30th from 9am-12pm on Zoom.  We will be hearing about recently collected lactation-based data from birth centers, examples of lactation-specific prenatal education in action, and ways to advocate for more lactation support and education for both families and providers. Speaker lineup:

Marcia Burton McCoy, MPH, IBCLC
Insights from birth center data

Carol Busman, MSN, RN & Carrie Klun, RN, IBCLC
MN Dept. of Health Breastfeeding Friendly Birth Center Recognition program, Step 3's focus on prenatal conversations

Jeanne Friebe, RN, BSN, IBCLC, RNC-LRN
Experiences of the 5-star designation and prenatal education in clinic setting and beyond

Jasmine Funmaker, IBC, CPE
Using Facebook as a platform for prenatal education within Indigenous communities


Prenatal education within NICU setting

Tickets are $40 for general admission, $30 for MBC members.

Approved for 3 L-CERPs.

If you participate in a local, regional, or cultural breastfeeding coalition in Minnesota and are not given the option to register at the member rate, please email eventplanning@mnbreastfeedingcoalition.org to have your account updated.

Not yet a member? Join today!

Zoom link will be sent out prior to the workshop.